
Star wars the old republic pc review
Star wars the old republic pc review

One interesting mechanic I loved was the space combat, It was a good idea that needs refinement. I also noticed that you don't really have to interact with other players and found that as with most MMOs the other players usually make the experience worse so this was a plus or a minus depending on your point of view.

star wars the old republic pc review

Technically, the game looks good and has a good level of polish, but I did run into stability issues and some setting and the game has lowish frame rates on a high-end system. II found that overall the story was very generic, and the Empire side was to evil for evils sake and the republic felt very vanilla, in a goody two shoes way. I like the specialization of classes, except that you cannot undo that decision, so if you go with one sub class you have to re-roll and level the same character to swap to the other sub class. I like the specialization of classes, except that you cannot undo that decision, so Very typical MMO in that it plays very similarly to wow. Very typical MMO in that it plays very similarly to wow.

Star wars the old republic pc review